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Grateful for the Grind

A couple weeks ago, Jen and I had the opportunity to go speak to a group of a couple hundred hard working college students at a convention down in Daytona. The college students work with Southwestern Advantage which is the same 150+ year old internship we worked at in college and is how her and I met. It was the first time in 17 years since we had spoken to this group, so it was a great experience for each of us to reflect and share our experience and how it has shaped who we are today. Neither one of us knew what the other was going to say during our respective speeches, so it was an incredibly rewarding experience to watch her perform. The feeling I had after that conference was very similar in excitement to what it was like after bringing home one of our boys from the hospital after being born. Even though medically Jen and I can't and won't have more kids, it was almost as if we had another child that day. Each of us getting to bring our uniqueness to our speech, deliver them back to back, and then seeing this whole new creation that we never even thought to be possible. It really tapped into a whole new level of intimacy in our marriage seeing us each deliver a similar message in two very different ways and see how our marriage has created something much larger than either one of us could ever do individually. Not to say that we will or won't deliver more speeches like that (hopefully we do!), but it was a very special moment to create and share that experience with her.

I've attached her 15 minute speech here in video format where she shares about the 3 G's and being Grateful for the Grind. Be sure to leave a comment with what part of her speech you enjoyed the most!

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