Grit University
About Us

As the founder of Grit.org, Brian Harbin is determined to spend the second half of his professional career dedicated to teaching life and success principles to current and future generations in order to help them become mentally, physically, and emotionally resilient for whatever life puts in his or her path.
The first half of his professional career was birthed while Brian was in college. As a freshman at the University of Georgia, he ran his own business selling educational books door to door and spent over 10,000 hours in face to face sales and finished the #1 salesperson out of over 2,600 his final year. He simultaneously built a multi-million dollar sales organization of 64 college students and became one of the top 10 recruiters in the history of the 140 year old internship program.
He graduated college debt free with over 6 figures saved in the bank, traveled to over 17 countries, and honeymooned in New Zealand with his wife for the first 6 months of their marriage. He went on to spend the next 14 years building an insurance brokerage firm from scratch with 20+ agents that still generates 8 figures in total premium each year.
After amassing over 40,000 hours of face to face sales and reaching over $1 million in personal sales in 5 different industries including real estate and advertising sales, he pivoted his skills to brokering domain names where he closed the 14th largest domain sale of all time with ice.com and his firm is currently regarded as one of the top 3 domain brokerages in the world (GritBrokerage.com).
He has coached over 36 seasons of flag football and basketball and coached the JV tennis team for 3 years at one of the premiere college preparatory schools in the nation. Brian has been married to his wife Jennifer for 16 years and has 3 boys (15, 10, and 7). They reside in Jacksonville, Florida.
Hear his story: Grit.org Podcast Episode 1

Hear his story:
Colby Harris is 19 years old and was born in Atlanta, GA. He was raised in both a small mountain town of Highlands, NC at an altitude of 4,000 feet as well as the popular beach destination in Fernandina Beach, FL. Youngest of 4 siblings, he has always had a passion for sports but really made his mark in surfing, where from 12 to 16 years old Colby did not lose a single contest in his hometown of Fernandina Beach. He was student body president of his high school, and has worked as a kayak guide has started and run 2 separate business ventures.
After graduating from high school in the spring of 2020, he then came on board as one of our first summer interns at Grit University. In 8 weeks, he helped start and run Grit Camp where he helped lead 7 counselors and 206 campers and walked away with a net profit of $6,000. He then came back for a second summer at Grit University and helped run Grit Camp in 2021 where he helped lead 24 counselors and 281 campers in 6 weeks. He finished the summer with a net profit of $10,000, and now is a full time staff member at Grit.org. When he isn’t working at Grit.org, he can be found working out, surfing, or coaching soccer or flag football.
Hear Jen's speech on being "Grateful for the Grind"
Jennifer Harbin was born and raised in West Palm Beach, Florida. She attended the University of Florida as a Sociology major where she was also on the rowing team for 5 years.
Jennifer spent 6 summers in college and beyond selling educational books door to door in order to pay for college. She finished as a top salesperson each year and ran several organizations with over 30+ college students.
Jennifer is the wife of Grit.org founder Brian Harbin, and she is the backbone of what has helped them launch this organization which is a culmination of each of their passion and purpose - to help Build More Grit in young people. In addition to running her own family as a full-time mom of 3 boys, she is heavily involved in both of the boys' schools, G3 bible study leader, Grit Camp and Grit University mom over the summer, and pivotal to the success of Grit Camp. She is also in charge of Faith, Hope, and Lunges (FHL.com) - a non-profit foundation started by her and her husband.