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Do Well at What is in Front of You

Our oldest son, Stone, just turned 16 this past week. For his birthday this year, Jen and I took him to Charlotte, NC for the weekend and enjoyed getting to spend time alone with our oldest, having great meals, going to the Nascar Hall of Fame, taking him to a Panthers game, exploring an illusions museum, and touring a college. He is a sophomore in highschool, and we are proud of his growth and maturity as a student this year and continue to enjoy seeing him compete in lacrosse, cross country, and soccer. Watching your son become more of an adult and man with each day is an incredibly gratifying process, and I enjoy getting to be his father, fan, and occasional mentor. This week he also competed in the Regional Championship in cross country and scored on his team to help lead them to the State Championship which is next weekend (stay tuned for a video we are doing showcasing his final weeks of cross country). As a father with a son finding his way, it is always top of mind for me to navigate what message to help communicate to my son not to over-parent him or distract him or hold him back, but rather to encourage and advise in a way that hopefully he will be receptive. One of the consistent messages I keep coming back to that is relevant in all aspects of his life is this:

Do Well What is in Front of You

And doesn't that message still apply to all of us? We are all pulled in dozens of directions each day between schedules, life, work, school, family, friends, health, finances, and decisions. Sometimes we are doing things we have to do, others that we want to do, and still other things that we don't like to do but need to. Sometimes it is as simple as following through on a commitment you've made. But by giving your best to whatever is in front of you at that moment, that is where you can incrementally increase confidence, develop life experience and wisdom, and enjoy personal growth. I also believe we are happier when we are fully present and doing our best at what life has in front of us at each moment. It is very fulfilling to watch your son progress through their own journey in their own way, and yet it is so fascinating how I continue to learn and grow personally by being a part of his journey along the way. Thank you Stone for continuing to teach me, and I will continue to be amazed at watching you discover and tap into your capabilities!

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