Grit University 2023 was a smashing success! Colby, Jen and I enjoyed ushering Kevin and Christian through a successful summer of Grit University and Grit Camp. Here is a recap of their accomplishments during the summer and the impact they made in our community:
Grit University Intern Accomplishments
* 45 mornings of 6 am workouts
* 280 hours of running Grit Camp leading 35 counselors and 457 kids and generating over $110,000 in revenue
* Administered and documented a combined 4,560 Grit Combine events
* Honed sales, communication, and follow up skills by raising $27,235 in scholarship funds from 41 different individuals and businesses
* Developed habits including journaling, meditating, and reading (including books like: The Greatest Salesman in the World, Seasons of Life, Rich Dad Poor Dad, How to Win Friends and Influence People, and more)
* Competed in basketball game against all former college basketball players
* Started a new company and advised and completed a few paid projects
* Were interviewed on 2 podcast episodes discussing their summer internship
* Helped orchestrate over 10 speakers to come speak at Grit Camp including NBA legend Dee Brown
* Earned a weekly salary + profit sharing. First year intern Christian Cosper earned $7,500 in salary + profit sharing and 2nd year intern Kevin Butler earned $10,000 in salary + profit sharing
Impact of Grit Camp
* Provided 93 weeks of no-cost camp to local kids through the scholarship funds raised
* Led high and college counselors that made over $17,000 in total pay
* Led junior counselors that earned 1,505 service hours
* Over $30,000 paid to Jacksonville University
* The unknown and incalculable impact of instilling the Grit Creed principles into the youth of the next generation
Be sure to check out our post summer interview with Kevin and Christian here:
Thank you to everyone that helped support and make this summer possible!